Too Faced Soulmates Blushing Bronzer Ross & Rachel Review

To be completely honest, I don't really need any more blushes/ bronzer. But how can i pass a makeup that (even slightly) related to Friends?! Friends is my favourite tv show. No matter how many times i watch the episode, i always laugh like its the first time. So when i know Too Faced came with a limited edition Soul mates Blushing Bronzer with two of my favorite couples name on it (Ross & Rachel, Carrie & Big), I immidiately asked my best friend Ollie to pick one up from Sephora US. 

Before we jump right in and talk about the product, lets appreciate the cuteness of this packaging first..

This is probably the cutest bronzer i have.. Isn't this remind you of the polly pocket that we all love back in the 90's?! A heart shaped, black white and gold compact with a huge mirror. Im a sucker for cute packagings. There are so many instances when i see something adorable and i just have to get it.. I would purchase this purely based on the packaging alone (Its a problem, i know.)

Description on the website: 
Bronzer and Blush: the power couple of beauty. A duo made in makeup heaven to add warmth, contour and a pop of color for the radiant look of true love. Soul Mates Blushing Bronzer combines a shimmering, sun-kissed bronze and a brightening pop of blush that can be used separately or blended together for a healthy, beautiful glow.

Karena ini Bronzer & Blusher duo, jadi bisa dipakai sendiri-sendiri, atau secara bersamaan. Finishnya nggak matte tapi ada sedikit shimmernya, jadi bikin muka terlihat fresh (asal nggak dipakai berlebihan). The bronzer is dark enough for contouring. Warna blushnya juga buildable. Kacanya besar dan karena packagingnya yang lucu, jadi bagus untuk dibawa kemana-mana hehe :-D

Sayangnya Blushing bronzer ini limited edition dan setahu aku cuman bisa di beli lewat Too Faced website (nggak bisa shipping sampai ke Indonesia) atau Sephora US. Karena aku udah coba nitip temenku yang ke UK dan SG katanya nggak nemu.. hiks. But if you have access to this product, and if you love Friends/ Sex and The City like me, you should definitely get this bronzer! 
Harganya $34.00

Special thanks to Ollie, thank you oyiii love u :-*

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  1. kak sampai sekarang masih sulit ya nyari di indonesia :( ?

  2. kak sampai sekarang masih sulit ya nyari di indonesia :( ?




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Meet The Author

My name is Putri Ayu Larasati, and I'm 20 years old. I made this blog because over the years i became a beauty advisor to my friends, or even strangers from Answering makeup and skincare questions and making product recommendations. So this blog is dedicated to share my passion, thoughts, review, tips & tricks about make up and beauty. Im no expert, I just happen to be an extremely well-informed consumer & watched too many youtube videos. I hope this blog could somewhat help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin. Enjoy! xx

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