Travel Diary; Korea Makeup Haul

Korea is such a heavenly destination for the makeup junkie! You’ll find pretty much everything here from makeup to skin care. They have the weirdest, cutest, and most innovative makeup and face masks. If you want to find out more about my Korea Makeup Guide, read it here: Korea Makeup Guide

In this post I want to share the makeup & skin care that I bought in Korea last month. I went a little cray since they're all so cute :” I just cant help it. To make it easier for you, I separate them into a few categories

1. Masks

Character and animal masks are popular in Korea. Almost every brand comes with their own. So I bought a few from The Face Shop.

I've been wanting the Laneige Lip Sleeping Mask for a long time. Its in one of my to buy list in Korea. Read my review on this Lip Mask in here

The Skin Food Rice Mask Wash off is one of my favourite mask, it leaves your skin really smooth. 

That one jar that looks like mushroom is a pore mask from Tony Moly. I bought it because of 1. The packaging, 2. It smells like chocolate! (Who doesn't want a chocolate that tightens your pores??)

If you want a review on any of these mask, let me know

2. Cleanser

The Wonder Pore from Etude House is also on my to buy list in Korea, Its really expensive here in Jakarta, but cheap in Korea.

I bought that Sinchan clear water purely because of the packaging :"D, I think the purpose is like Bioderma, too bad its too fragranced that i prefer bioderma/biore wipes over this. 

These Dollkiss cleansing soap said to be the best seller products. The Tiny Pore foam is for tightening the pores, and Pore Check Out is for deep cleaning the pores.

3. Hair Products

4. BB Creams & BB Cushions

Missha BB Cream has always been my favourite & holy grail bb cream since 2012. It has medium-high coverage so I only use it on special occasion. 

Etude has sooo many range of bb cream, this one is limited edition and matches my skin colour perfectly.

Laneige Snow BB Cushion is my most favourite for daily use, so I had to grab one to stock. This one is the Play No More Edition, look at the packaging. Too cute!!!!

Missha BB Cushion Line Edition. If you read my previous post, you know I originally wanted the Brown one, but its sold out so I got this instead.

5. Face Powder & Blush

Dear Girls Oil Control Pact looks like something I'd wear everyday since its translucent and controls oil on my face. Its really similar to the pigeon powder that I love, only in cuter packaging :-D

The one in the middle is a limited edition blush from Etude House. Proud of myself for only getting 1 blush in the whole trip. Yay!

I heard good things about this Zero Sebum Powder from Etude, so I bought a few.

6. Face Primers

Tried this Zero Sebum primer on the back of my hand inside the store and I liked it! Feels a little cold and refreshing.

Bought this Pore Master from Aritaum cause the texture is really similar to the Porefessional from Benefit.

This Tony Molly Smooth Primer really blurs out my pores

7. Mascaras

Im all about the lashes! I restocked a few of my favourite Lancome mascaras in the airport since its wayyy cheaper than here in Indonesia.

8. Nail Polishes

Bought some nail polishes from 3CE. They have so many colours to choose from, its almost impossible to pick just one

9. Lippies

Korea is like the Queen of lip tints! Liptint di korea ada banyaaaak banget dan lumayan murah, jadi aku beli banyak juga untuk oleh-oleh (not in this picture). Stocked a few of Tony Moly lip tints since its my favorite. 

3CE Lipstick is definitely a must buy!! I love the matte formula and the sleek packaging.

10. Eyeliner and Eyebrow Products

That All day Fix eyeliner from Etude House is THE BEST! Its the best eyeliner I've tried. I know its a bold statement but if you try it, you'll know what I'm talking about. Its everything I want in an eyeliner. Definitely a must have

11. Face Moisturiser and cream

12. Makeup Tools, Contour stick and hand creams

That Contour and highlight stick from Etude House blends like a dream! I like it better than NYX contour stick. 

Three things I love about this kabuki brush from 3CE, 1. Its Pink! 2. Its so soft and fluffy 3. It comes with a pouch! The pouch is so useful, you can easily carry it around in your bag and it doesn't get dirty.

Thats all of the makeup that I got in Seoul, Korea. I hope this gives you some inspiration and ideas on what you should get when you travel to Korea. If you want me to do a depth review on any of these products, let me know!



  1. Missha cushion nya sama bagus dengan bb creamnya gak? Aku lagi ikutan PO untuk missha cushion yang brown, jarang ada review cushion missha, jadinya sempat ragu sih ._.

    Ellen Naturelle

  2. Itu yang bentuk uang 50.000 masker juga yaaaa. ada2 aja sih,, masker utk apa tuh?

    1. Iya itu face mask hihi lucu yah.. Aku belum coba sih, sayang packagingnya terlalu gemas :-P

  3. Aku mau review liptintnya dong put, mana yg paling kamu suka. Sama yg tony moly yg jamur jg lucu bgt. Ditunggu ya ☺

    1. Okay! Nanti aku review liptint-liptint dan maskernya yaa :)

  4. Huaaaa.. Banyak banget.
    Yakin tuh stok tahan sampai 1 tahun. Hehe

  5. Review lippiesnya dong hihi ditunggu!^^

  6. You should have brought the tony moly eyeliner kak, it was the best seller one among high school female student in Korea

    1. Oh ya? huhu tapi eyeliner yang Etude udah bagus banget juga sih :-D

  7. wow you sure bought a lot!! nice haul :)

  8. put kamu pake shade apa buat laneige snow bb cushion nya ? makasi

  9. wah, akan lebih lengkap kalo ada harga beli sewaktu di Korea per produk, biar bisa sekalian bandingin dgn harga di Indo. hihi

  10. Haii aku mau bagi kode voucher diskon zalora ZBAP2OA3 bisa dapat diskon 15% dari total belanja. Spesial untuk pelanggan baru. No minimum order, free ongkir, bisa cod dan ada garansi pengembalian barang. Semoga bermanfaat




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Meet The Author

My name is Putri Ayu Larasati, and I'm 20 years old. I made this blog because over the years i became a beauty advisor to my friends, or even strangers from Answering makeup and skincare questions and making product recommendations. So this blog is dedicated to share my passion, thoughts, review, tips & tricks about make up and beauty. Im no expert, I just happen to be an extremely well-informed consumer & watched too many youtube videos. I hope this blog could somewhat help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin. Enjoy! xx

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