May Makeup Haul

Hi! in this post i wanted to share with you the makeup that i got last month & a mini review about them. I haven't tried everything out just yet, but I've heard good things about these products from youtube & blogs so i decided to test them out myself :-D

The majority of the products are from Stila. The only product that I've ever tried from Stila is their famous liquid liner (that i love for yearss!). Berhubung Stila baru buka di Sephora Indonesia, jadi aku baru sempet lihat-lihat product lainnya lagi belum lama ini. Salah satu yang paling menarik perhatian aku itu Stila in the Light eyeshadow palette nya.. Selain karena warnanya yang neutrals jadi pasti aku akan pakai, eyeshadow ini juga surprisingly pigmented & smooth banget. Its even better than urban decay eyeshadow, i must say. Menurutku eyeshadow Stila ini lebih mirip eyeshadow Lorac in terms of texture & color pay off. I got this palette from my dear friend Angkie. Thank you kie!!!

Stila in the Light Palette

Selain dapet 10 warna eyeshadow, ada retractable brown pencil liner juga didalamnya. Sama seperti liquid liner Stila, pencil liner ini juga pigmented, longlasting banget. 

Stila Convertible Lip & Cheek in "Petunia"

If you read my blog, you know that i love cream blushes! Jadi ini akan aku pakai mainly sebagai cream blush, walaupun bisa juga untuk lipstick. Ive heard great things about this product, jadi nggak sabar pakainya :-D

Stila Color Balm Lipstick in "Vivienne"

I gotta be honest with you, i bought this lipstick mainly because of the packaging :"D. Its one of the prettiest lipstick I own! I personally think that stila lipsticks are underrated. Aku pilih warna vivienne ini karena warnanya my-lips-but-better yang aku tau akan sering aku pakai. Another thing i noticed, this lipstick has a peppermint scent & tingle a little when applied. Which i love!

The mirrored cap makes them ideal for my purse! 

Anastasia Beverly Hills Dipbrow Pomade in "Dark Brown"

Kayanya semua pasti udah pada tau yaa ini apa.. Udah hits banget dimana-mana haha! Dan udah banyak juga di askfm yang nanyain aku & minta review tentang ini. Nggak tahu kenapa, aku nggak ngerasa butuh dan tertarik beli ini. Tapi karena penasaran juga sebagus apa, akhirnya aku beli deh. Aku baru coba sekali dan so far biasa aja, a little goes a looong way jadi emang tricky dan kalo salah-salah, gampang banget bikin alis ketebelan. If you wanna see a review on this, let me know!

LA Girl Pro Conceal in "Creamy Beige"

LA Splash Lip Cream in "Latte Confession"

Aku udah lamaaaaa banget nyariin "Latte Confession" ini susahnya minta ampun. Warnanya susah ditemuin di onlineshop2 (Belum dijual di counter resmi di Indonesia) sampai akhirnya @preorderbymimo on ig restock jadi aku buru-buru beli. This lipstick is a recommendation from ka Kalyla <3 Aku suka banget warnanya. Ever since i got this, aku pakai ini terus utk pergi jalan-jalan..

Satu lagi iniii lupa di foto bareng yang lain , oleh-oleh dari Della my elementary school bestfriend :-D Sailor moon eyeliner in brown. Thank you ndeng <3

Tell me your favorite makeup product that i should try down below or!

Thank you for reading, i hope you find it helpful <3


I love reading your questions, messages and thoughts by email! I will try my best to respond every single one of them. For general inquiries or just say hello, please email to


  1. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬
    Pilihannya bagus-bagus. :)

  2. Udah lama pengen beli produk stila terutama liquid lipstick nya.. ditunggu reviewnya :)

    1. Iyaa review tentang liquid lipstiknya soon ya! thank you for stopping by :-)

  3. Kak review tentang LA Girl Pro Concealnya yaaa:DDD




For general inquiries or just say hello, please email to xx


Meet The Author

My name is Putri Ayu Larasati, and I'm 20 years old. I made this blog because over the years i became a beauty advisor to my friends, or even strangers from Answering makeup and skincare questions and making product recommendations. So this blog is dedicated to share my passion, thoughts, review, tips & tricks about make up and beauty. Im no expert, I just happen to be an extremely well-informed consumer & watched too many youtube videos. I hope this blog could somewhat help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin. Enjoy! xx

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