June Makeup Haul

Hi! As you know from the title, these are the makeup that i got this month. Most of them are the things from my to-buy-list, hihihi. If you want to see the reviews/ my thoughts about any of these products, please let me know!

Loreal Mat Magique BB Cream ini favorite kakakku, ka Gadis. Katanya bb cream ini light weight banget kayak nggak pakai apa-apa. Dia beli waktu di bangkok.. Eh pas kemarin jalan-jalan di Senayan City, ternyata udah keluar di Indonesia walaupun dengan packaging yang berbeda. Jadi tanpa pikir panjang aku beli deh. Harganya Rp. 150.000,00

Colourpop Lippiestix in Brink & Lumiere. Both are matte lipsticks. Warnanya nggak beda jauh, warna-warna natural kesukaan aku, tapi Lumiere agak sedikit ungu.

Here's the swatch, Brink - Lumiere

My first impression about this product: love the smell & packaging! Wangi-nya wangi vanilla, mirip wangi lipstick mac. Dan packagingnya yang panjang kayak pencil, jadi pemakaian lipstick lebih precise dibanding lipstick biasa

Limecrime Velvetines in Riot. Udah lamaaaaaa banget pingin lipcream ini, cuman karena harganya yang suka lebay mahalnya di onlineshop2 jadi aku tunda-tunda terus. Nyari dupe supaya bisa bisa dapetin warna yang sama dengan harga yang lebih murah, but still... ujung-ujungnya beli juga. hahaha.. Nothing haunts us like the things we didn't buy, right? :"
Review & Comparison about this product in here

Revlon Super Lustrous Lipstick in Sandalwood Beige. A great dupe for my most loved lipstick, Nars in Jane! Review in here

Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler. I know this is the best lash curler out there from a looong time ago, but since i already have my Shiseido eyelash curler, aku nggak merasa butuh ini. Tapi karena lash curler shiseido ku dihilangin adikku Ica... (thanks ca), lash curler ini langsung masuk ke wish listku. Karena aku tau di Jepang brand Shu Uemura lebih murah di banding di Indonesia, aku nitip temenku Nafia yang ke Jepang, and she's kind enough to give this to me as an oleh2!! yay!! I know you'll read this nafibebsss love u! <3

Satu lagi Cream blush Canmake in number 01. Aku lupa foto productnya sendiri tapi itu juga oleh-oleh dari Nafia. Its in a pretty cherry red colour. Easy to blend & gives me a natural flushed cheeks! 

I hope you find this post helpful, thank you for reading!


I love reading your questions, messages and thoughts by email! I will try my best to respond every single one of them. For general inquiries or just say hello, please email to putrialarasati@hotmail.com


  1. Warna lipstick revlonnya bagus ya kak, pengen beli, tapi gak tau mau beli dimana.

    Kunjungi blog aku yah https://tanaka99review.blogspot.co.id/?m=1




For general inquiries or just say hello, please email to putrialarasati@hotmail.com xx


Meet The Author

My name is Putri Ayu Larasati, and I'm 20 years old. I made this blog because over the years i became a beauty advisor to my friends, or even strangers from ask.fm. Answering makeup and skincare questions and making product recommendations. So this blog is dedicated to share my passion, thoughts, review, tips & tricks about make up and beauty. Im no expert, I just happen to be an extremely well-informed consumer & watched too many youtube videos. I hope this blog could somewhat help you to feel more comfortable in your own skin. Enjoy! xx

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